
Well, I felt like changes were coming, and the first one has now appeared. As much as I love Surry Hills, I’ve decided to move to a sharehouse in Newtown at the end of the month. I’ll be moving into a lovely terrace house, with lovely housemates, and I’m kind of excited. I’ll be down the road from BlackStar Pastry, the Courty, and around the corner from a knitting cafe! Sounds like my kind of neighbourhood!

When I move this time I’m determined to not take so much clutter with me. Over the next few weeks I’ll be detoxing my life, and re-distributing some of my belongings to new homes. In the meantime, I’m seeking inspiration for my new room. Hilda Grahnat lives in a studio apartment in Malmö, Sweden, and what she accomplishes with the small space is really incredible. I’d be quite happy to live in this space.

images via hilda grahnat

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